Teaching Interests
Principles of Marketing
Pricing Strategy
Digital Marketing
Marketing Research & Analytics
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Bayesian Models in Marketing
Teaching Experience
Principles of Marketing (Undergraduate), Winter 2024, Spring 2024, and Fall 2024
Course Evaluation (number of respondents in parentheses):
Winter 2024: 4.6/5.0 (14), 4.7/5.0 (17)
Spring 2024: 4.7/5.0 (15), 4.5/5.0 (15)
Fall 2024: 4.6/5.0 (20), 4.6/5.0 (18), 4.7/5.0 (19)
Selected student comments:
“I loved the diversity in the lectures of speaking, group work, videos, and practice problems. It was clear that the professor wanted us to learn the material and succeed in the class.”
“Amazing class. Professor Choi made it really interesting and easy, but easy because he explains everything so clearly. I feel like I’ve learned a lot about marketing with a minimal amount of outside work, which to me proves how good he is at teaching. I would recommend him to any of my friends.”
“I thought that Professor Choi did a great job leading this class! I felt challenged by the material but not overwhelmed because of how much in-class prep we did. I always felt like I could go to my professor with any questions he had, and he was accessible.”
Marketing Management (Undergraduate), Spring 2020
Instructor Evaluation: 4.8/5.0 (Response rate: 31/39)
Recipient of Dykstra Fellowship for Teaching Excellence
Remote due to COVID-19
Teaching Assistant & Grader
Marketing Strategy for the Digital Age (MBA) with Puneet Manchanda, Winter 2021/22/23
Marketing Management (MBA) with Puneet Manchanda, Winter 2021, Spring/Summer 2022
Customer Analytics (BBA & MBA) with Eric Schwartz, Winter 2022
Marketing Engineering (MBA) with Fred Feinberg, Winter 2021
Competing on Value (Executive MBA) with Puneet Manchanda, Fall 2020/21
Marketing Management (Online MBA) with S. Sriram, Fall 2021
New Product and Innovation Management (BBA & MBA) with S. Sriram, Fall 2019/20, Winter 2020
Marketing Management (BBA) with Carolyn Yoon, Winter 2019
Statistical Models and Methods 1 (Undergraduate; Chicago) with Mohammad Jahangoshahi, Summer 2016
Experienced Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) Panelist, Winter 2021/22/23